Software Development Projects
Here are some of the projects I have worked on, both professionally and personally. This list showcases a variety of technologies and tools I have experience with, including design, development, and deployment. A few of these projects are open-source and available on GitHub.
R&R Landscaping Website
Marketing website for a landscaping company
February 4, 2025
R&R Landscaping Website
Marketing website for a landscaping company
Music notation template E-commerce shop with Stripe API integration
October 21, 2024
Music notation template E-commerce shop with Stripe API integration
G-code slicer for slicing .STL files built with Three.js
June 15, 2023
G-code slicer for slicing .STL files built with Three.js
Landsat TimeLapser
Web application to create timelapse GIFs with Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery
January 8, 2022
Landsat TimeLapser
Web application to create timelapse GIFs with Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery
Film Agency marketing website with interactive catalog
September 23, 2021
Film Agency marketing website with interactive catalog
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Analyze markets using Twitter and JavaScript
August 7, 2021
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
Analyze markets using Twitter and JavaScript
Pitch Training
A MaxMSP application to help learn the notes on a musical staff
May 19, 2021
Pitch Training
A MaxMSP application to help learn the notes on a musical staff
Audio Sampler built with the Web Audio API
April 20, 2021
Audio Sampler built with the Web Audio API
Detect solfege hand signs using machine learning
December 23, 2020
Detect solfege hand signs using machine learning
JavaScript framework for XR experiences
November 30, 2020
JavaScript framework for XR experiences
Audio visualization for JavaScript to render sound on a HTML canvas
November 20, 2020
Audio visualization for JavaScript to render sound on a HTML canvas
A JavaScript library for displaying notes on a music staff
October 5, 2020
A JavaScript library for displaying notes on a music staff
Microtonal tuner built with Web Audio API
October 1, 2020
Microtonal tuner built with Web Audio API
Music education app for learning musical instruments
March 29, 2020
Music education app for learning musical instruments
VR Finger Drums
A MaxMSP patch that allows you to use a Leap Motion as a MIDI controller
January 10, 2019
VR Finger Drums
A MaxMSP patch that allows you to use a Leap Motion as a MIDI controller
Wiimote Pendulum
An interactive media performance created with Max/MSP & OSCulator
November 12, 2018
Wiimote Pendulum
An interactive media performance created with Max/MSP & OSCulator
Harmonic Series
A simple app to demonstrate the fundamental properties of the harmonic series
November 1, 2018
Harmonic Series
A simple app to demonstrate the fundamental properties of the harmonic series
Woodwind Fingerings
A virtual fingering chart for woodwind musical instruments
October 22, 2018
Woodwind Fingerings
A virtual fingering chart for woodwind musical instruments
Waveform Analyzer
A simple application to help demonstrate fundamental properties of sound
January 1, 2018
Waveform Analyzer
A simple application to help demonstrate fundamental properties of sound