Software Development Projects

Here are some of the projects I have worked on, both professionally and personally. This list showcases a variety of technologies and tools I have experience with, including design, development, and deployment. A few of these projects are open-source and available on GitHub.


R&R Landscaping Website

Marketing website for a landscaping company


Music notation template E-commerce shop with Stripe API integration



G-code slicer for slicing .STL files built with Three.js


Landsat TimeLapser

Web application to create timelapse GIFs with Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery



Film Agency marketing website with interactive catalog


Twitter Sentiment Analysis

Analyze markets using Twitter and JavaScript


Pitch Training

A MaxMSP application to help learn the notes on a musical staff



Audio Sampler built with the Web Audio API

Detect solfege hand signs using machine learning



JavaScript framework for XR experiences



Audio visualization for JavaScript to render sound on a HTML canvas



A JavaScript library for displaying notes on a music staff



Microtonal tuner built with Web Audio API



Music education app for learning musical instruments


VR Finger Drums

A MaxMSP patch that allows you to use a Leap Motion as a MIDI controller


Wiimote Pendulum

An interactive media performance created with Max/MSP & OSCulator


Harmonic Series

A simple app to demonstrate the fundamental properties of the harmonic series


Woodwind Fingerings

A virtual fingering chart for woodwind musical instruments


Waveform Analyzer

A simple application to help demonstrate fundamental properties of sound