Landsat TimeLapser

🛰️January 8, 2022

Web application to create timelapse GIFs with Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery

Google Earth Engine API Express.js
GPL-3.0 license

Available on:


An open-source web application for creating time-lapses with Landsat 8 Satellite Imagery powered by Google Earth Engine. This software allows the user to create a satellite image timelapse GIF of any loction on earth when given specified coordinates and date range.


Created by Ryan Kemmer, Josh Stovall, Zharfa Nurrachma and Dylan Edwards


  • Make a timelapse of any loction on earth
  • Set custom start/end dates
  • Export timelapse as GIF
  • Scrub through timelapse with slider


This code is availible to use for other open-source projects. To run this application locally, clone this repository and run the following commands.

cd web
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

then, go to http://localhost:8000


Powered by Google Earth Engine